Is Pop Culture Good For You?
To say that pop culture is everywhere is an understatement. Especially in an age where new technology is always being invented. Social media and television are prime examples of pop culture. This amount of freedom of the media can allow viewers to use it in numerous ways and intentions. Although some would argue that pop culture effects are negative, it actually positively impacts society. Social Media Frenzy In the article, Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted , the key word is participation, as it frequently emphasizes the importance of unity. In particular, the importance of strong social media connections during uprisings. Gladwell mentions in it that having weak ties is a wonderful thing in many ways. Neal Caren, an associate professor at the University of North Carolina who studies social movements in the United States, says he's never seen such high self-reports of protest participation for a single issue in such a short period of time (referring to the Black...